2nd Anti CJA March London 24 July 94
A group of young mothers with small children in front of Sunnyside sound system taking part in the 2nd Anti CJA Demo in London.

2nd Anti CJA March London 24 July 94
Exodus sound system from Luton on a lorry playing rave music as it passes in front of the Houses of Parliament in front of Sunnyside sound system during the 2nd Anti CJA Demo in London.

2nd Anti CJA March 24 July 94 Victoria Embankment rave
A dancer in white coveralls in a mask from Mutant Dance dances in costume in front of Sunnyside sound system during a rave just down the road from the Houses of Parliament as part of the 2nd Anti CJA demo in London.

2nd Anti CJA march 24 July 94
A group of people dancing on board a mobile sound system belonging to the Exodus Collective from Luton taking part in the 2nd massive national public demonstration against the legislation contained in the 1994 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 designed to criminalise raves free parties free festivals squatters and those living a mobile lifestyle.

2nd Anti CJA March 24 July 94
A group of young people push a van containing a sound system that had broken down while taking part in the 2nd Anti Criminal Justice and Public Order Act demo in London.

2nd Anti CJA March 24 July 94 598
A view of the sound system in front from being sat on top of the lorry housing the Sunnyside sound system as it heads over London Bridge during the 2nd Anti CJA demo in London.

2nd Anti CJA March 24 July 94
A bright pink armoured car in Hyde Park with a love cabbage on its headlight ready to take part in the 2nd Anti CJA demo in London.

2nd Anti CJA March London 24 July 1994
A large group of people and vehicles leaving Hyde Park as part of the 2nd Anti CJA Demo in London.

2nd Anti CJA March 24 July 94
A line of policeman watching as Sunnyside sound system passes by them on Marble Arch in London with a big black spider hanging over them on the 2nd Anti CJA demo in London.

2nd Anti CJA march London 24 July 94
A lady in round sunglasses and psychedelic clothes dancing to house music from Smokescreen sound system waving a placard saying Live Love and Party during the 2nd Anti CJA demo in London.

2nd Anti CJA March London 24 July 1994
A girl in a Johnstone’s baby powder t shirt dancing to house music from Smokescreen sound system during the 2nd Anit CJA Demo in London.