Harvest Fayre Cilgerran 94
A group of people hanging out on a live in coach at the Harvest Fayre in Cilgerran Wales in 1994.

Harvest Fayre Cilgerran Wales 94
A man MC’ing to music coming out of speaker that he is holding out of the doors of a bus at the Harvest Fayre in Cilgerran Wales 1994.

Lesson Number 1:How to Kill A Culture Harvest Fayre Cilgerrran Wales 94
A plastic skeleton fixed on to the radiator grill of an old Austin truck with number 1 on the bonnet at the Harvest Fayre Festival in Cilgerran Wales 1994.

Harvest Fayre Cilgerran 94
A live in coach drives through other vehicles at the Harvest Fayre festival which took place in Cilgerran Wales in 1994.

Harvest Fayre Cilgerran Wales 94
Children play freely on an old tree branch and in a hammock outside an awning flying a skull and crossbones pirate flag at the Harvest Fayre in Cilgerran Wales 94.

Harvest Fayre Cilgerran Wales 94
A stained glass painting of a weird face with spiky hair and angels wings coming out of the sides of its head on the glass destination plate of a live in bus at the Harvest Fayre in Cilgerran Wales in 1994.

Harvest Fayre Cilgerran 94
The front of very dilapidated VW camper van adorned with a grafittied face and a tarpaulin lashed to its bumper at the Harvest Fayre in Cilgerran Wales in 1994.

Harvest Fayre Cilgerran 94
A young girl sat on a home made cart with clown make up painted on her face sticks her tongue out while playing in a field with caravans and a beautiful living horsebox behind at the Harvest Fayre in Cilgerran Wales in 1994.

Harvest Fayre Cilgerran 94
A masked person on stilts leads a procession under a bight blue sky during the Harvest Fayre festival in Cilgerran Wales 1994.

Harvest Fayre Fishguard 96
A small child with a bare ass toddles into an enclosed camp made by live in buses at the Harvest Fayre in Fishguard 1996.

Harvest Fayre Fishguard 96
A gypsy horsedrawn wagon with the front door left open and cooking implements left outside at the Harvest Fayre in Fishguard Wales in 1996.